FedEx Ghana Phone Number, Address, Email, & Website

Are you looking for a top reliable shipping company that can export your products to the international market? Maybe you’ve ordered a large number of goods and don’t know which shipping company to contact for their services, then, to put an end to your shipping problems, contact FedEx Ghana for their better services.

Does FedEx have offices in Ghana, and is it possible to contact FedEx in Ghana?

Yes, FedEx has offices in Ghana, and it is possible to reach out to the FedEx Ghana office for assistance.

Therefore, we entreat you to keep reading because this guide has been purposely dedicated to educating our readers on how to contact FedEx Ghana.

FedEx is a shipping company that offers imports and export of goods and services in small or large quantities to improve lives. FedEx helps to connect customers to the business world.

The courier company was founded in the year 1971 by Frederick W. Smith and has remained the world’s best courier company in existence. FedEx offers country to country or continent to continent delivery.

For safe delivery of your goods, choose FedEx Ghana because the company always puts customers first. Therefore, the safety of your goods is the main priority of the company when in their possession.

What are your queries to FedEx Ghana?

Availability of job opportunities, tracking assistance, service check, general inquiry, and many others might be your challenge in working with FedEx Ghana.

Then, don’t look elsewhere for answers, for it will be in your best interest to contact FedEx Ghana for assistance.

Head Office Of FedEx Ghana

The head office of FedEx Ghana is located in Accra, and one can make physical contact with the office by using the address below.

#138 Airport West Residential Area, Accra, Ghana

Working Days And Hours Of FedEx Ghana Head Office

Are you thinking of reaching out to the head office of FedEx Ghana?

Then, always put into consideration the working days and hours of the office to help get answers on time.

The office operates from Monday – Friday within the hours of 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturdays between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

Ways To Contact FedEx Ghana

FedEx Ghana has made provisions for communication channels to enable customers to send their queries directly to the company for assistance.

When you think of contacting FedEx Ghana, always choose between the communication channels provided below:

1. Contact Number

2. Webmail

3. Social Media

What Is The Contact Number Of FedEx Ghana

To make your queries to FedEx Ghana, you can place a call to the head office number for help and always make your calls within working days and hours to prevent empty contact with the office.

Below are the contact numbers of FedEx Ghana:

⦁ (+233) 50 160 5000

⦁ (+233) 50 163 1000

How To Contact FedEx Ghana Using Their Contact Form

To make your queries through the contact form, follow the steps below:

1. Visit FedEx Ghana customer support website by clicking on this link

2. Scroll down to locate the webmail form

3. Click on the “go to the form” button

4. Fill in the details of the form

5. Click on submit

6. Wait for a response to the email provided when filling the form

How To Contact FedEx Through Social Media

FedEx has provided the official social media handles for customers who are familiar with the use of social media for their queries.

Below are the links to the official social media handles of FedEx:

1. Facebook:

2. Twitter:

3. Youtube:

Website Of FedEx Ghana

Assess the FedEx Ghana website to sign up or log into your account, track your shipment, and many other features of the website to have basic education about the company.

Those are the contact details you need to contact FedEx Ghana.

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