How To Easily Stake LAMB (Lambda) tokens

In this guide, I`ll show you how to stake LAMB tokens using Metamask and Keplr wallet on the Restake website.

Stake tokens with Metamask

Go to and connect your wallet:

If your Metamask does not have a Lambda network, Metamask will prompt you to add this network when you connect:

Start typing Sr20de in the Search Validator field, then click Manage opposite the Sr20de Validator:

Choose how much LAMB tokens you want to stake (delegate) and click Confirm button:

Sign transaction in the opened Metamask window by clicking the Sign button:

Congratulations! You are now a staker of Lamb tokens.

How to stake LAMB with Keplr wallet

You can buy LAMB tokens on Osmosis and stake them with Keplr wallet.

Go to Frontier Osmosis and connect your Keplr wallet.Deposit ATOM or any other available tokens into the Osmosis app.Swap for LAMB. After that, on the Assets tab, withdraw your LAMB tokens to your Keplr wallet.

Go to and connect your Keplr wallet:

Select Sr20de validator and click on it. A window will open. Click Stake button:

In the next window click Delegate button:

In the next window in the Amount field, enter the amount of LAMB tokens you want to stake and click Delegate:

Confirm the transaction in the opened Keplr window.

Congratulations! You are now a staker of Lamb tokens.

You can enable restaking if you want your profits to be automatically reinvested. To do this, click the Enable Restake button and confirm the transaction in the Keplr wallet:

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