Grimaldi Nigeria Contact, 2023, Phone Number, Address & Email

Are you having any issues regarding your cargo tracking in Nigeria? Or maybe you need a reliable shipping company for Maritime transport? Then Grimaldi is your best bet. Here is this guide you will know the Grimaldi Nigeria contact number.

The cross-border shipment has become very instrumental in every economy these days, especially in Nigeria.

One of the most sensitive areas is the maritime transport sector, as they ship virtually 80% of products from abroad.

However, because the business involves a lot of money, it is always important to deal with a reliable logistics company. 

Grimaldi is one of the oldest logistics companies that specialize in maritime transport worldwide, and no matter the type of cargo, container, or cars you want to transport, they are the best at it.

In case you are in Nigeria, you must get running to the Grimaldi office in Lagos, or you can contact them for more details. 

Grimaldi Shipping Head Office In Nigeria

You can locate the Grimaldi head office in Nigeria at Tin Can Island Port Complex, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria. 

You can visit their office during regular working hours to get more details about their operations and how you can sign up for any of their services.

Location Address Of Grimaldi Office In Nigeria

If you want to visit the Grimaldi office in Lagos, here is their address: Tin Can Island Port Complex, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria. 

You can follow it to get to their headquarters in Lagos and get on anything you need about their services. 

Grimaldi Nigeria Contact Number

The Grimaldi Shipping Nigeria contact numbers are as follows:

  • +234 700 4444 6666
  • +234 1 279 08 80 
  • +234 1 279 08 80 2

Those are the customer care contact numbers you can use to reach out to Grimaldi in Nigeria.

Official Email Address Of Grimaldi 

If you want to send mail to Grimaldi in Nigeria, here is their email address:

You can mail them for any inquiries during their regular working hours.

Also, you can send an email to the Grimaldi office in Lagos at  

Postal Address Of Grimaldi Office 

You can also write a letter to Grimaldi in Nigeria to get details or make a report about any of their services and operations.

Here is the postal address of Grilami in Lagos: Tin Can Island Port Complex, Po Box 2953, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria.

Grimaldi Fax Number

If you prefer to fax, you can send a fax message to the Grimaldi office in Lagos.

Here is the fax number of the Grimaldi office in Lagos: +1 800 603 6035.

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