Mikano Nigeria Contact, 2023, Phone Numbers, Email & Address

Power is essential in almost everything we do these days, but you just don’t need power, rather affordable power. If you need an affordable power solution in Nigeria, it’s Mikano. Read below to know the Mikano Nigeria contact number.

Mikano is one of the most reliable power generation companies in Nigeria and given their experience in the field.

You can only expect nothing but the best power supply.

Mikano power in Nigeria is not only for corporate organizations but every individual.

So, no matter the power crises you are facing, there is a chance for you at Mikano.

So it is not too late you can contact Mikano Nigeria for a better power solution for your personal and corporate needs.

However, you will need their official customer care contact before you can reach them, and this is why we are going to give you.

Let us begin.

Mikano Nigeria Head Office

If you are in Nigeria, you can locate the main head office of Mikano at 34,35 Acme Road, Ogba, Ikeja.

You can visit them to get more details about their service, including how you can sign up and other stuff.

Mikano Main Office Address

If you want to visit Mikano Nigeria, here is their address: 34,35 Acme Road, Ogba, Ikeja.

It is recommended that you contact them on the phone concerns your queries before you visit them.

Mikano Nigeria Contact Number

If you need any help or need more details about Mikano Services, you can contact them via their customer care helpline.

The Mikano Nigeria contact number is +234 (0) 7001234567.

It is available during their working hours, and you must ensure you call them during that time.

Email Address Of Mikano

Another way you can reach Mikano in Nigeria is through email, and to do that, you must mail them via their official email address.

The official email address of Mikano Nigeria is info@mikano-intl.com.

Working Hours Of Mikano

Mikano Nigeria operates from Monday to Friday between their working hours of 08:00am – 05:00pm, but Saturday, on weekends, they open from 8am.- 12pm.

So, they do Koy work on Sunday.

Contact Mikano On Social Media

Those of you with smartphones can also contact Mikano Nigeria customer care on social media.

However, to chat with them online, you must reach out to them through their official social media handles.

Below are the official social media pages of Mikano Nigeria:

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/mikanointernationalltd/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikano_intl

LinkedIn: https://ng.linkedin.com/company/mikano-ltd

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikanointernational/

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