Moni’s Pasta And Pizza 2023

Monis Pizza and Pasta is one of the best restaurants you can find.

For those of you who need the best pasta and pizza, Monis is the place to go.

Today, we will show you everything you need to know, both good and bad.

You will know the Monis pizza location address, opening and closing hours, phone contact number, and the accepted payment method (card).

In addition to that, we will also show you the best deals you can get as well as the Monis app and Facebook page.

Where Can I Find Monis Pizza And Pasta?

This is one of the most common questions we receive about the restaurant.

If you want to locate Moni’s Pasta and Pizza in Arlinton, Texas, then here is the location address:

1730 W Randol Mill Road, Arlington, TX 76012.

That is where you can find the restaurant in Arlinton.

For inquiries, it is advisable to call Moni’s phone number.

Monis Pizza Phone number

In most cases, it is advisable to call the official contact number than visiting the restaurant.

Below is the Moni’s Pasta & Pizza phone contact number:


You can call that number for any inquiries.

Please, you need to call within Moni’s Pasta working hours for you to get a quick response.

What Is The Monis pizza opening and closing hours

This is what I think most people need to know.

Visiting the place outside the working hours may be a bit disappointing.

Just don’t worry.

Here are the Monis Arlinton opening and closing hours:

Delivery Hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: Closed

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Opening And Closing Hours For Pickup

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Wednesday: 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Thursday: 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Friday: 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Saturday:11:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Sunday: 11:00 AM to 8:30 PM

Please note that these working hours are for Monis restaurant in Arlington, TX.

Moni’s Menu 2023

For a complete list of Moni’s menu, please check the restaurant page.

You will find all the assorted dishes.

But trust me, all the meals are just sumptuous and you will definitely like the pasta and pizza.

If you want a sample of the Moni’s Menu, please check one from Zmenu website below:

Monis Restaurant Menu
Image Source:

How Do I Connect With Monis Restaurant On Facebook?

That is very simple.

You need to go to the Monis Pasta & Pizza Facebook page and link up with them.

It is very easy to find the official page but I will do you a favor by providing the links to the Monis Facebook page.

You need to take note of the fact that Monis is available in other towns and each of them has a different Facebook page.

The following are the Facebook pages for the Pasta & Pizza restaurant in Arlington, Glenn Heights, and Edmond.

Monis Arlington Facebook Page:

Monis Pasta Edmond Facebook Page:

Monis Pizza Glenn Heights Facebook Page:

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